My Journey as an Entrepreneur, Global Instructor, and Community Educator.
My journey started as a community educator, I dedicated over 18 years to teaching, leading, counseling, mentoring, guiding students from various ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds. As a bilingual Instructor assisting students in their personal, professional, and spiritual development. I worked with students of various ethnic and professional backgrounds such as Psychologists, social workers, educators, medical professionals, counselors, and teachers to empower and guide them towards a path of self-development and spiritual transformation. As a Licensed Positive Psychology Practitioner, I have integrated Spiritual psychology and Applied Positive psychology into the Islamic studies program helping clients to deliver transformational change. It’s been an amazing journey, over the years I met many interesting people across the world, helped clients, made lifelong friends, and enjoyed intellectual growth as well as spiritual growth.
I always wanted to start my online academy but I was too occupied with teaching on-ground and in person. Along with teaching, I was passionate about psychospiritual education, providing professional training and counseling but It was during the pandemic I learned to be an online course creator and instructor, like many other professionals. I blended the traditional class room environment to online learning environment, bridging the gap between the two. I wanted to bring this program online for past few years but did’t find the time to do so. Luckily, pandemic provided me this opportunity.
Since, 2019, I have started writinging course outline and course content consistently. I have spent every waking moment, learning new things such as how to record lectures, edit videos, social media marketing, creating youtube content, and explored all those channels that need to be explored for a successful business. In the span of those 2 years, I published several courses and articles, built my own website from scratch, gathered new students around the globe, and become a global instructor. It was not an easy journey and it took a lot of effort, personal growth, research, soul searching, and writing.
I launched an online learning program based on a psycho-spiritual model of learning the Adult Spiritual Educational program (ASEP) that enhances psychological and spiritual well-being. My personal quest for self-actualization motivated me to dedicate a large part of my life seeking knowledge and exploring a link between human behavior, psyche, spirituality, Islamic eschatology & psychology.
I use to think, being an entrepreneur means creating a company from scratch find investors, buying and selling, hiring people, and leading a big team. But I was wrong you can start with a minimum investment along with passion, love of learning, self-motivation, life long determination, and desire to create a change.
When I started my ASEP Program, I wanted to create a small 1-person project, in the hope of one day become self-sustainable financially, and become financially independent. 2 years later, I’ve never been closer to this goal. I never expected things to go that fast, but I guess pandemics acted as a catalyst in my case. Don’t get me wrong pandemic was not easy, it was a time for isolation, self-reflection but besides all the stress and confusion it was time to reinvent myself. I didn’t want to waste my time during the pandemic in meaningless activities, so I dedicated every waking moment to launching the ASEP program and made a resolution to be productive. I applied high productive habits and taught a Personal Productivity course that I created. Check out what my students have to say
Modern-day life leaves us stressed and spiritually impoverished. I am sharing the strategies, which I have developed working with clients 1:1 over the years. I have helped students in the past to create a personalized plan to overcome procrastination and be productive. This course is an 8–9 week journey in which you will learn how to be productive, prioritize your life, avoid burning out, and organize your days with confidence to achieve the most. You will learn;
Difference between toxic productivity and purposeful living.
Analyzing productivity through spiritual, social, and consumeristic perspectives.
Challenges associated with modernity and modernism.
Correlation between happiness and productivity.
The soul-centered approach (SCA) to productivity.
Soulful productivity and practical applications.
Misconceptions regarding productivity.
Modernism and stress reduction techniques.
Everyone works hard to be productive. Sometimes we work hard but not smart that leads to dissatisfaction in personal and professional life. We all wanted to distinguish our self as a high performer, but not everyone can because we are not applying the right strategy or lack of high-performance habits (HPH). Anyone can develop high-performance habits and maximize productivity. Here are some of the tips I am sharing with you regarding personal productivity.
Strategies that can be used to maximize personal productivity and develop High Productive Habits.
- Recognize blessing in early hours (Achieve the most in the early hours)
- Organize your day (Plan ahead — assign time for emails )
- Identify and eliminate distraction. (Tools of distraction)
- Practice Soul-Centered Approach (SCA) — Heart, mind, and soul — Health first
- Take short breaks to rejuvenate (coffee break, walk, breathe)
- Try productivity app ( Accomplish your tasks)
- Preserve your time & energy ( Prioritize and track your time)
- Accept challenges (Strive to progress)
- Don’t procrastinate.
- Recognize your limitations ( Achievable goals and task- You can not do everything)
- Set a deadline for completion of a task.
- Be productive, not static ( Willing to progress)
- Don’t seek perfection.
And remember “Never Give up”. If i can achive my goals so can you :)
If you wanted to access the entire course material, reachout to me and I will be happy to help you.